Can a caress compensate a rape?

Dear Mayor Giuliano Pisapia,

Just in front of one of our most important monuments, the Monumental Cemetery on the outskirts of an urban neighborhood where the schedule has left more and more signs in the last two centuries, a project of rebuilding the area, after a long bureaucratic process began under the administration that preceded it in recent days by the City Council that the consent to its implementation.
That project is simply outrageous.
The lot currently occupied historic building Enel, which has a historical and architectural qualities evident, is slated to be replaced by a building volume which reoccupied the same site but with its dull volume, parodies the historical memory, annihilate. It is not just an ugly building, is the sublimation of mediocrity. The exaltation of rent made plaster, balconies, windows and doors.
Mr. Mayor, let so radically affecting the town, let the market put your hands on the urban fabric with ridicule, violating the city, not politics, is complicity. What is taking place against our territory is irreversible, the fence will be raised when the site will no longer heal the wound.
It does not take a planner refined to understand that this sign is in the fabric of unparalleled violence. The two elements, the hotel and the square are a total flatness creative. If I hack the urban body that at least claim to be profitable! See rise in front of the Cemetery a volume that has the same grace of an obscure ministry of North Korea, the same boring monumentality borrowed, is disarming. What stuns is the narrowness of entrepreneurship at the dawn of 2012, which acts on the territory, without any foresight: possible that there was no way to assign a sign of this size in the hands of a designer with a thickness of more intellectual and creative Solid? Can not understand that the quality of the building to play the economic success of an operation of this size?
But on the whole, what we earn the city?
Of course, there is also the recovery of the sheds via Bramante, transformed in the exhibition of the ADI. But I wonder: can a caress pay a rape?
The designer of this has a name: Giancarlo Perotta. He is the author of two skyscrapers in front of the Garibaldi Station, conceptually already old when they were built in the years of rampant Milan to drink. So inadequate that have not stood the space of less than two decades, undergoing an inevitable makeover. He is the author of Bovisa Station, St. Paul’s Hospital, the residential complex by way of a plethora … Sesia botched countless signs, overheard a bad idea to urban design and a concept limits dell’autistico stereometric building. Idea of ​​architecture that is a constant emulation of models failed misunderstood and inaccessible.
The logical deduction of the cost of urbanization that has withstood the housing market in recent decades has been a disaster. It’s time to change the philosophy to change policy. Putting the public interest before private, first of all. Stimulate initiatives subirle passively without land consolidation, predict, even on private land, the obligation of an invited competition for lots of this size, it will inform residents of the area.
Making urban policy means thinking long range, to be aware of what is inherited and what you want to leave a legacy. We want to be remembered by our children as the builders of this city without a whip, Mr. Mayor?

Gianni Biondillo, Dear Mayor Giuliano Pisapia, Doppiozero, January 5, 2012, already published in the Corriere della Sera of Milan Chronicle, January 4, 2012.

5 thoughts on “Can a caress compensate a rape?

  1. “una pletora infinita di segni raffazzonati, una male orecchiata idea di progettazione urbana, una concezione stereometrica dell’edificato ai limiti dell’autistico. Un’idea di architettura che è una continua emulazione fallita di modelli incompresi e irraggiungibili.”
    Decisamente Biondillo non le manda a dire…

  2. Per sdrammatizzare un pò…
    Immaginate cosa devono pensare gli abitanti del piccolo comune di Camposanto, una ridente (?) cittadina nel modenese…
    Buon Anno a tutti!!!

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